Monday, November 23, 2009


Finally! The long wait to see who would be the 10,000th visitor is over. Congratulations to Indianhead Telephone Company of Hector Communications!

Indian Head Telephone Company
N3767 4th Street
Weyerhaeuser, WI
Phone: 715-353-2434

This is not made up. Indian Head Telephone Company really does have a user who was the 10,000th visitor to Native Issues Blog. It is only fitting that out of all the different addresses that visit this site, a Native-Theme-Named company should stand out on such a milestone.

Good night, and good news!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peabody Coal and the Office of Surface Mining's activities are again called to question

The controversey around Peabody Coal still not only simmers, it has once again boiled over, or at least it looks to if things don't change in the immediate future.

More leaders need to know, as it has been pretty rampant as of late, that not every Indian speaks for EVERY Indian. If indeed the Life of Mine provision, addressed in this latest Indian Country Today Opinon Piece by the Hon. Ben Nuvamsa, was passed in the dark hours of a passing administration, then the powers that be, need to request clarification from the Hopi Tribe that this is what the Hopi Tribe is in agreement with.

Perhaps a referendum should be initiated from the new Hopi tribal administration to reveal what the true voice of the people is concerning the provisions of the Black Mesa Area Mining permit. This is the truest path to discovering if the Hopi people really want to grant such broad sweeping permission to the Peabody Coal Company.

Alternatively, if the Hopi Tribe's process permits it, the Hopi people should present an immediate Direct Initiative to determine their own opinion on how to supply the needs of the Mohave Generating Station, while still addressing the natural resource needs of the people in a way that is transparent, respectful of all that will be impacted, and in the end run is in the best opinion of an informed Hopi tribal population. (A Direct Initiative will go directly to a vote and circumvent the legal maze that many will not be familiar with or have the patience to endure)

A tribal law will hold status that should weigh heavily in any pending lawsuit

Both sides of the issue should be most supportive of a Direct Initiative because the majority will come out on top, and if either side believes it really is correct then this is the ultimate mechanism for putting money where mouth may be. Then there will be no questions left to answer.

No questions will be left except-what will the Hopi people do either with or without their resources in either scanario?

Dairyman Blues

The Dairyman Blues was filmed near the Yakama people; it includes people from on the reservation or those concerned about the water/air quality on or near the Yakama Indian Reservation.

It certainly raises questions, whether you're against it or in support of the video, if you have unanswered questions, you are right with the people who live there and have questions about their own health.

Thank a local farmer or rancher for keeping his business going and keeping out monstrous operations.

click here to see "Dairyman Blues" by Michael Harris

Jan Whitefoot is a Yakama Nation Member who has questions that maybe we all ought to be asking. She certainly has a Native "land" Issue.