Sunday, December 5, 2010

Elouise Cobell Settlement could have been so much more

The "Cobell settlement" which is on the mouths of landowners as the "Cobell Sellout" will forever go down in history as one of the pivotal points at which justice was once again used to tease Indians. Like a piece of meat held too high for a starving dog to snatch.

The Cobell Sellout was analyzed and at first was embraced by all as a good effort to "make" the Federal Government show how much we were owed.

If you "Lose the Initiative" on the battlefield, you are prone to seek out any new goal far short of what your objective originally was. Suddenly just living seems so much more appeasing than actually following through with your mission.

So it is with the Cobell Sellout. We were all behind her when she had the vision before her to compel an accounting. Maybe 10 years into it, maybe 13 years into it, she lost the initiative. And now we are all being forced into a pen of acceptance for a pittance of what is really owed and everybody in the Federal Government knows it. We are forced into an acceptance of a pitiful settlement while the memory of a "Compelling Accounting" for what we are owed, is now forever forgotten. The original objective sits on the memory map of so many who are now poised to lose that one chance to show that our generations before us were wronged, our ancestors suffered and the proof was forthcoming.

The Cobell Sellout could have contained so much more. As she shared in Indian Country Today, Angelique Eagle Woman had an idea for where this could have been steered. It would appear that when President Obama signs the Settlement legislation, Eagle Woman's and our hopes for "major positive sustainable changes" will forever go down in history with scant explanation or time due for positive dialogue.

Eagle Woman's "Remediation, Accounting, an Apology, and a More Just Monetary Compensation Plan" will go down, ignored with the pleas from the landowners who are in abundance, who do not support this poor excuse for a settlement, despite the questionable terms Cobell team used when they said the "majority of Indian Country" supports this settlement.

In every battlefield, the lieutenant who loses initiative will have a few bold sergeants who will make corrections in the heat of battle because somebody must. Maybe the Commander In Chief will take note of a select few shining examples of some brilliant leaders in the field of Indians and take pause to listen, right before he signs the Cobell Sellout.

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