Saturday, January 24, 2009

More on Larry Echo Hawk

[Click here for most Recent article on Larry Echo Hawk's (Re)Confirmation hearing...]

This is a second entry on Opposition to Larry Echo Hawk being appointed to Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.

What could happen if Larry Echo Hawk becomes appointed? He has shown a particular interest in opposing Indian Gambling. So does this spell a conflict of Interest for making decisions about Indian Gambling as the BIA Secretary?

Doesn't this sound familiar? Anybody else smell barbecue wafting through the halls of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, or is it just me?

"Famous" Dave Anderson, excused himself from making any decision about gambling for ethical reasons. Will Larry Echo Hawk excuse himself as well? Or will he plod on, and with the stroke of an un-watched pen, will he strike down any more tribes' right to conduct gambling on their reservations. Will he oppose Sovereign Tribal Councils' decisions regarding gambling? Does he even belong in the appointment process?

Well when Dave Anderson stepped down, afterwards Julie Pelletier said "maybe he was ethically correct in removing himself." Then she said, "...then perhaps he was not the correct person for that position, since he had such a close tie to Indian gaming."

Wow. What will we do if Larry Echo Hawk, a Semi-Slayer of Indian Gambling, gains access to the highest Indian Office in the Land?

More importantly what do we do before it happens?

I think the staff at these offices will listen to our suggestions:

Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.Washington DC 20240
Phone: 202-208-3100

Committee on Indian Affairs
United States Senate

838 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2251

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, that sounds pretty alarming. But could you enlighten us some more with maybe some reference materials? I could say you are a fear monger, and spread that around the moccosin telepath just as easy as you say EchoHawk is going to cripple indian gamming.
Informed minds want to know...